Category Archives: Neutral colors


Thoughts on WALLPAPER and OTHER SPECIAL TOUCHES to Get an Offer on Your Home in 48 Hours!

When was the last time you heard someone say, “Oh my gosh honey THIS HOUSE HAS WALLPAPER…I LOVE IT!” Ummm…NEVER.

Remember when I talked about neutralizing coloring in one of my previous post?  Well along with that is getting rid of tacky wallpaper.  And I’ve found that in order to determine if wallpaper is tacky or not, you need to ask an honest friend.  Preferably a hip one that will give it to you straight.

In our house we had three rooms with wallpaper.  We had our master bedroom which we had taken care of the wallpaper issue before I had the baby, the master bath and the hall bath.  The master bath and the hall bath weren’t something we wanted to tackle and at first thought we’d just leave alone.  But the more we looked at it and the more we considered we opted to change it.  See when we first bought the house the wallpaper in the master bath struck us as horrid.  Nothing changed other than we got used to it.  And in a market where people can’t see past horrid, we opted to get rid of it.  In the hall bath, the wallpaper was actually cute, but it had started to separate and peel.

We found that the person that painted also removed wallpaper!  So for less than $500 we had the wallpaper removed and the rooms painted.  A true bargain for us we decided.  Some people find wallpaper removal soothing…I find it wildly infuriating.  You decide which you are and if you find that you’re in the infuriated camp with me post on Facebook and see if any of your friends are the insane ones that think its soothing.  Or maybe they know someone.

Some of the other special touches that we removed was stenciling and odd curtains.  The person that owned the home before us was apparently the STENCIL QUEEN!  So we took some time to paint over and rid the house of any of the stencils.  Though they were once the rage “back in the day” you probably should get rid of anything that can use the statement “back in the day”.

HOW GIVE YOUR HOME NEUTRAL COLORS to Get an Offer on Your Home in 48 Hours!

If you love bright bold colors, good for you, so do I.  But, that doesn’t mean everyone does and some people have a hard time getting over it and seeing past the bold.   Bright bold colors can really bring a room to life, but often the people buying the home can’t imagine their stuff in the house if they’re looking at colors that are drastically different than their own existing home or apartment.

Painting is inexpensive compared to other updates you can do and can really change the atmosphere of a house.  A light colored room can open it up and make it seem much bigger than it actually is, whereas a dark colored room can give it a closed, dark look.  Try to choose very light tans and off whites.  They will match with almost everything, won’t show smudges as easily and allow potential buyers to view a clean slate.

Do you hate painting?  Try posting on Facebook to see if any of your friends are looking to make some extra money or if they know anyone that does.  Post an ad on Craigslist for a painter or look for painters in your area and let them know your budget.  Don’t be bashful about letting people know exactly what you’re willing to pay.  I’ve found when I’m upfront from the beginning both parties end up happier.  I walk away feeling like I got a deal and just maybe someone was able to pay their electric bill that month!  Also make sure to discuss whether the price will include the supplies (paint, rollers, caulking, drop clothes) or not.  Also make sure you assess what things you can do to help such as remove light switches, shift furniture, wipe down walls or if you want the person you hire to do this.

If you have any outlandish bright items in your home such as a bright throw rugs roll it up and store it until you sell.  You can also try adding a live plant or two to your living room to give everything a more natural feel.  Also, if you have bright or heavily patterned curtains, it might be time to invest in some lightly colored ones.  Consider sheer curtains that can allow the light in to maximize the appearance of space.

In total, our 1800 square foot house was neutralized for under $500.  That included Doug and I painting the easy rooms (bedrooms) and hiring someone to remove wallpaper and paint the bathrooms.  Luckily most curtains were already pretty neutral but you can’t go wrong with cheapies from big box stores or hit up a thrift store or Craigslist and buy used.  Then you can leave them behind when you go!


See how clean the walls look after?
See how clean the walls look after?
The floral wallpaper from before we had it redone
The floral wallpaper from before we had it redone