UGLY light!  At first glance it has some appeal, but as you live with it, it certainly doesn't grow on you.  It become a thorn in your side or as one friend put it, it really "photo bombs" on your pictures.

FIX ALL THOSE THINGS YOU’VE BEEN MEANING TO DO To Get an Offer on Your Home in 48 Hours!

You know what I’m talking about. Those things you said you were going to do when you move in.  Or maybe that nick you put in the front door when you moved in.

We had a few little projects to take care of.  Doug’s dog took a small nibble out of the baseboard while Doug was studying, the stone border in the backyard had to be straightened up and we had a light that definitely need replaced (I can’t believe we lived with the ugly thing for 2 years).

Just start to go back and look through each and every room.  Make a list of to do items or if you’re like me you’ve been toting one around for months.  And then start one by one.  If you need help, hire a handyman to do it.  The list is going to be your best friend and your worst enemy until it’s all done.

Miss yesterday’s post?  Check it out here: How to INCREASE CURB APPEAL to Get an Offer on Your Home in 48 Hours!

Or if you’re just starting to think about listing your home for sale check out the whole series from the start!  Ten MUST DO’S TO Get an Offer on Your Home in 48 hours!

UGLY light!  At first glance it has some appeal, but as you live with it, it certainly doesn't grow on you.  It become a thorn in your side or as one friend put it, it really "photo bombs" on your pictures.
UGLY light! At first glance it has some appeal, but as you live with it, it certainly doesn’t grow on you. It become a thorn in your side or as one friend put it, it really “photo bombs” on your pictures.  And it forever had one light that would go out.
Look at that nice light all flush to the ceiling.  Honestly, it changed the look and feel of the whole room.  Kicking ourselves for not doing it earlier!
Look at that nice light all flush to the ceiling. Honestly, it changed the look and feel of the whole room. Kicking ourselves for not doing it earlier!  And that change only cost $40.  Peanuts really compared to what other home improvements could cost.


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