Tag Archives: 34 weeks pregnant

Non-stress test now done every week to monitor babies' heartbeats, contractions and mommy's patience!

The Question From Every Person I Know…HOW ARE YOU????

Ummm 34.5 weeks pregnant with twins…that’s how I feel! I’ll start by listing my top 10 “wish for” list and “miss list”.

I wish for and miss:

  1. I miss…being able to do laundry without it feeling like an Olympic event in which I’m certainly losing. The clothes are located on the 2nd floor, the washer and dryer in the basement.  I can drag the bag of clothes down the steps and hoist them into the washer, but getting them all out of the dryer HAHAHA.  I have to get instruments to help me reach the ones that stay in the back.  And bringing a basket back upstairs…ummm HELL NO!!!  Not happening this month!!
  2. I wish…every single thing I ate didn’t cause heartburn. Heartburn from the depths of hell that then lasts until the wee hours of the night.
  3. I wish…Baby A would get his food out of my pelvis (footling breech) and stop playing freaking hacky sack with my bladder. It feels like he’s regularly trying to escape his confinement.  Seriously, that boy has many months of swaddling ahead of him after the frat party he’s been having in there!
  4. I miss…Being able to BEND OVER period! The best $16 bucks I’ve spent this pregnancy has been on a grabber.  God forbid I lose that thing.  It’s my GO-GO-GADGET ARM!!!
  5. I wish…I could pull my underwear and pants up without all of the dramatic movements. And NEVER, NEVER let them go when you are sitting on the toilet.  Otherwise, that might be end-game for the rest of the day for that pair.
  6. I miss…going to the park with the dogs and kid. I can go, but get me too far from the bathroom and Baby A starts his hacky sack routine.  And your guess is as good as mine as to whether I’ll make it back to the restroom area or not.  Better not to chance it.
  7. I wish…I didn’t have multiple Dr. appointments each week. On one hand I love being able to check in on them frequently, but sometimes my “non-stress tests” last 1 hour sometimes almost 3.  It all just depends on who is cooperating that day.  And though it maybe be “non-stress” to the babies, me and Isaac sitting there for 3 hours is not “non-stress.”
  8. I miss…sleeping on my stomach…or back…or side….or basically anyway I choose! And getting out of bed is like an old episode of American Gladiators.  Disengage from pregnancy “snake pillow”, attempt to not disturb child who has snuck into bed, don’t disturb husband who has work in the morning, try to get to knees without crushing belly, crawl past sleeping dog who refuses to move after repeated attempts to push her off the bed and finally you are nearing the edge.  But then suddenly the edge is a lot closer than you thought and now you’re flailing so you don’t hit the floor.  Husband believes it’s the baby falling out of the bed and wildly grabs me and the dog is royally ticked because you tried to smash her and is now glaring at you from the floor.  Finally though I’m out of bed and hobble down the hallway because your legs feel like a Barbie dolls that someone tried to rip the legs off of.  Go to bathroom, get back to bed (again with monumental effort) and repeat in 2 hours…and again in 2 more.
  9. I miss…coffee…sushi…uncooked lunchmeat…and basically eating any fruit/veggie I want without worrying whether or not I washed it good enough or if I’ve contracted listeria! I still do have coffee, but as a major trigger of heartburn and the recommendation for 200 mg or less a day, I don’t have much often.  Soon though, I’m going to need stock in it!
  10. I miss…just normal activities being normal. Riding a bike, hiking, driving a car, going up and down steps, etc! I feel like so many activities I need a little help for which is okay, but at the same time I hate inconveniencing people (feel like my grandma now!).

But at 34.5 weeks pregnant with twins I’d still say I’m doing really well.  I have had almost no swelling versus my first “singleton” pregnancy.  My hands were swollen then, they were numb and my legs swelled so much you could see every shoe and sock indent.  I’ve had none of that this time and I think it’s because of cooler weather, an air conditioner that runs at 68 and lots of water consumption flushing the system.

As of my 34 week appointment I’ve only gained 20 lbs total!?!?  I made the nurse check twice because I couldn’t believe it.  I gained 35 with my “singleton” but a lot was due to water retention.  But still, I’d have thought I’d have gained more.

Babies are measuring very well.  At the last appointment 3.5 weeks ago they were both about 3 lbs 10 oz.  That means that each baby is the same size as someone at that time being pregnant with one baby.  Hopefully they keep up with the excellent growth rate but they have to be running out of room.

Baby B is in head down position and hopefully stays there but baby A is the “rare” footling breech.  I’m not sure how rare it is, but apparently it’s somewhat uncommon.  Basically at the last ultrasound he was bent in half with his head protruding out of my stomach and butt towards the back, and doing a split with one foot down in my pelvis and one foot I swear kicking my esophagus.  He’s able to change positions up until the bitter end so hopefully he gets his act together and goes head down.  If not, it will most certainly be a c-section.  And on the fun side, if my water breaks and he’s still in his split there’s the chance a foot could come out…at…any…MOMENT!?!?  That would make for a very, very interesting day and car ride to the hospital.  But overall, the breech isn’t that big of a deal other than it would require a c-section.  So say a little prayer he behaves soon.

And I still try to keep as active as I can.  I’m definitely slowing down versus a few weeks ago, but doing anything has become a challenge.  But activity keeps the blood flowing for me and for them and is an important part of any healthy pregnancy.  Granted most of my walking is in the house chasing dogs and crazy toddlers, but still I’d argue I’m getting in at least a mile or so a day.

34 weeks non-stress test
Non-stress test now done every week to monitor babies’ heartbeats, contractions and mommy’s patience!

July 30th is getting awfully close!