Tag Archives: apple

I used a large pot full of apples, with 1 cup water and a heavy dose of cinnamon.  I put the lid on and cooked on low.

Easy DIY Applesauce in Slow Cooker or on the Stove

Applesauce is perfect for all of those leftover apples.  Applesauce is versatile.  Use it in baking as a substitute for oil, butter or eggs, use as a sauce for pork, as an easy snack for babies or just eat it as is in it’s simplistic deliciousness.

I like the idea of getting extra fiber when I eat and use applesauce so I do mine a little different then you’d normally see.

First I wash all of the apples really well.  I put them in a sink filled with water and 1/2 to 1 cup of vinegar.  I let them sit for 10 minutes or so and then drain and rinse well.

Next, I slice the apples with my apple slicer/corer WITH THE PEEL ON!  I used to spend endless amounts of time peeling apples always feeling like, “Here goes that heart healthy fiber!”  So I now slice with the peels ON.  I just start accumulating all of the slices in a large pot that I’ll use on the stove.  I’ve also used my slow cooker to cook this all day.  The choice is your’s what you use.  The benefit of the slow cooker versus the stove is that you can use a slow cooker liner  and it eliminates a lot of the cleanup.  Either way add the apples to the pot or crockpot, add a cup or two of water and get cooking!

I used a large pot full of apples, with 1 cup water and a heavy dose of cinnamon.  I put the lid on and cooked on low.
I used a large pot full of apples, with 1 cup water and a heavy dose of cinnamon. I put the lid on and cooked on low.

If you are using the crockpot, I cooked on low for 4 to 6 hours.  For the stove, I cooked on medium heat until the apples were soft enough to be cut with a spoon.  If you love cinnamon like we do, feel free to add some.  I don’t have an exact measurement, just add tablespoon or so.  An alternative is you can add the cinnamon after you’ve put the apples in a food processor or Magic Bullet.  NOTE: I do NOT add sugar to my apples. I’ve found that they are sweet enough as is.  But if you want to add sugar you can start with 1/2 cup brown sugar.  But be daring, try it without sugar and I doubt you’ll be disappointed!

See how much the apples cooked down over the course of 40 minutes?
See how much the apples cooked down over the course of 40 minutes?

Once you can cut the apples with a spoon, pour them into a food processor and pulse until you can’t detect peels and the mixture looks smooth.

I've placed the apples into the food processor and pulsed until smooth.  I've also used the Magic Bullet when I do smaller batches or applesauce.
I’ve placed the apples into the food processor and will pulse until smooth.  Notice that right now, it’s still a little lumpy looking.  If you leave the skin on you’ll have to pulse until smooth otherwise you’ll have chunks of peel throughout. I’ve also used the Magic Bullet when I do smaller batches or applesauce.

After that you can decide how you want to store it.  I put mine into quart freezer bags and laid flat in my freezer.  You can also can it, or if your family loves applesauce it’ll hold in the refrigerator for a week or two.


Apple pecan pie

Highly Coveted Apple Pecan Upside-down Pie

I’m not sure you can get more delicious than this…well you can my husband says, but we’ll have to save the Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie for another day :).

This is a super easy pie, not too sweet, but perfect for company.  I’ve yet to find a person that doesn’t like a classic apple pie with nuts on top.  I most recently made two with one being for “friend’s night” and the other was given to my neighbors as a “howdy, we’re new in the neighborhood” gesture.  Both parties gave it RAVE reviews.

Anyway, the recipe originally came from a My Recipes website, but I’ve modified it some as I’ve made it based on feedback (mostly from my husband).

1-1.5 cups pecans (I’ve chopped and I’ve left whole…either works well)
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/3-1/2 cup butter melted (use 1/2 if you use the 1.5 cups nuts)

2 Pie crusts (top and bottom) (you can use store bought if you are crunched for time or make your own)

6-8 apples peeled and sliced thick (I used a variety of kinds.  You choose!  Basically you want enough to heap)
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 Tablespoons all-purpose flour
1-2 Tablespoons cinnamon (we love cinnamon so this is a lot. You decide if you want more or less)
1 teaspoon nutmeg

Putting it together: (Pre-heat oven to 350 F)

1. Take the first three ingredients and mix them well (pecans, butter and brown sugar).  Pack them into the bottom of a pie pan.
2. Lay the pie crust out on top of the nut mix with it centered on the pie pan.
3. In a separate large bowl mix the remaining ingredients (apples, sugar, flour,  cinnamon, nutmeg), until the apples are coated.  Then HEAP the apples onto the pie crust that should be centered on the nuts and pie plate.
4. Finally put the second pie crust over the apples and “join” together with the other pie crust by crimping the two pie crusts together.  I do this in an up direction since I’ll be dumping the pie out on a plate later.
5. Cut slits in the top of the pie to release steam and place on a cookie sheet with sides.  THIS PIE WILL BOIL OUT A BIT.  So unless you want an oven filled with apple juice on the bottom, do this!
6. Bake at 350 F for about an hour to an hour fifteen minutes.  It should be golden brown on top.  If you have an oven that browns too much, put some tinfoil on top.
7.  Once done, pull out and let cool for 10 minutes and then put a large plate over the pie and carefully flip it out onto the plate.  It’s helpful to have a second person here to scrap out some of the sticking nuts or crust.

And VOILA!, delicious pie, hot and ready for serving.

We usually serve with a small scoop of ice cream and most recently served with a Salted Caramel Ice Cream and it was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!

Apple pecan pie